New Delhi:The apex child rights body NCPCR on Wednesday said it will deploy a team to Uttar Pradesh's Lalitpur to probe the alleged sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl by four men over three days and again by the SHO of a police station where she had been left by her attackers. Taking a strong view of the incident, National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) chairperson Priyank Kanoongo said the case has been taken very seriously.
NCPCR to deploy team to probe sexual assault of minor in UP's Lalitpur
The child rights body NCPCR on Wednesday said it will deploy a team to Uttar Pradesh's Lalitpur to probe the alleged sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl by four men over three days and again by the SHO of a police station where she had been left by her attackers.
"I have formed a joint team after discussing with the chairman of the State Children's Commission, Devendra Sharma, which will visit Lalitpur tomorrow and collect the facts after meeting the victim and the family," he tweeted. The Uttar Pradesh Police on Wednesday arrested SHO Tilakdhari Saroj in connection with the case. Till now, police have arrested six people in the case, the chilling details of which emerged after the victim narrated her ordeal to an NGO, which approached the superintendent of police. According to the mother of the multiple-rape survivor, her daughter was taken to Bhopal on April 22 by four men and raped there for three days. The men left the girl at the Pali police station, where she was again sexually attacked, she alleged.
Also read:UP shocker: 13-year-old gangrape survivor approaches police for help, SHO rapes her instead