Bengaluru: The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) has taken a pivotal move by taking Bineesh Kodiyeri into custody up to November 20 in connection with Bengaluru drugs case. He has been taken to their office for interrogation. They took him into custody after filing a plea in the sessions court.
NCB’s lawyer approached the court yesterday seeking his custody. The officials of the NCB reached Parappana Agrahara jail two hours back and took him into their office. The NCB had been waiting for the extension of the enforcement custody period. A decision on further action will be taken after the interrogation.
Airline company employee Sonnet Lobo had told the Enforcement Directorate that Bineesh had used cocaine along with Anoop Muhammed at the Royal Suite Apartments in Kalyan Nagar, Bengaluru. Anoop and Sonnet were staying in room no 205 and 206.
The ED had informed this to the court. A probe will be conducted on it as he has been taken into custody.