Mumbai (Maharashtra): A Special Investigation Team (SIT) formed by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) has summoned Prabhakar Sail and another person for questioning in connection with a drug case involving Maharashtra Minister Nawab Malik's son-in-law Sameer Khan today, the agency said on Tuesday.
Prabhakar Sail, a witness in the cruise drugs case, was interrogated for 10 hours yesterday.
NCB DDG Dnyaneshwar Singh said, "The Delhi Vigilance Squad of the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), which is probing the recovery charges against NCB zonal director Sameer Wankhede, interrogated independent witness Prabhakar Sail in the case for about 10 hours. He will be called back today as the inquiry has not been completed."
Read:NCP minister Nawab Maliks son-in-law summoned in drugs case