New Delhi:The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Wednesday refused to provide information on the complaints received against its Deputy Director General (DDG) Gyaneshwar Singh. The information was sought by the Right to Information (RTI) activist Anil Galgali. Galgali had applied to the NCB seeking the action taken report on various complaints received against Deputy Director General Dyaneshwar Singh and the current status of multiple complaints.
The NCB has denied the information under Section 24 of the Right to Information Act, 2005. The first appeal has been filed by Anil Galgali. Anil Galgali said "information relating to an allegation of Corruption and violation of human rights is covered under RTI Act, 2005, and no agency would be excused." The Delhi High Court has ruled that if the information sought pertains to allegations of corruption and human right violation, it would be exempt from the exclusion clause, he added.
Such information should be made public and uploaded on the website so that this information is easily available to citizens, he added. Notably, Gyaneshwar Singh was a part of the team which investigated the Cordelia cruise drugs case, involving Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan. Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan was arrested last year in connection with the Cordelia cruise drugs case.