Mumbai: Mumbai Police Commissioner Sanjay Pandey on Tuesday tweeted a video of BJP MP Navneet Rana drinking tea inside Khar Police Station in the city. This comes after Rana had issued a letter to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, saying she had not been provided drinking water and was neither allowed to use the washroom. In the letter, the BJP leader further alleged that the police personnel misbehaved with her on the basis of her caste identity.
Mumbai CP shares video of Navneet Rana drinking tea inside Khar Police Station
Mumbai Police Commissioner Sanjay Pandey on Tuesday tweeted out a video of BJP MP Navneet Rana drinking tea inside Khar Police Station in the city, after the BJP MP sent a letter to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla alleging she had not been provided even water inside the police station.
Navneet Rana seen drinking tea inside Khar Police Station in video tweeted out by Mumbai CP
In the recent clip, meanwhile, she is seen sipping tea alongside her husband and independent MLA, Ravi Rana, inside the police station, with a police official sitting behind the duo. "Do we say anything more", Pandey has titled the video. Both were arrested on Sunday after announcing they would recite Hanuman Chalisa outside Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray's residence in Mumbai's Bandra area.
Last Updated : Apr 26, 2022, 3:30 PM IST