New Delhi:Independent MP Navneet Rana and her MLA husband Ravi Rana, who reached Delhi from Maharashtra on Monday to meet the speaker of the Lok Sabha Om Birla, were welcomed by their supporters with garlands and slogans of Jai Shri Ram.
ETV Bharat's Anamika Ratna spoke to the Rana couple on the controversy over their Hanuman Chalisa remarks and the subsequent arrest and release.
Commenting on BMC officials visiting her residence in Mumbai, Navneet said: "BMC did not come till we were in Mumbai but as soon as we left for Delhi, they arrived and measured our house. We will not hinder the government action. They can measure our house for any encroachment and even demolish it if they want. Even if they make us homeless, our fight will continue. As far as Udhav Thackeray is concerned, he is such a Chief Minister who has not visited the Chief Minister's office for a year, what do you expect from such a person."
On the question that after reading Hanuman Chalisa, there has been a political ruckus in Maharashtra politics, Navneet said: "As far as Shiv Sena is concerned, they have 18 MPs in Parliament, how are they scared of just one member? I think 'woman power' has proved heavy for them."