Nashik: In a shocking incident, an eight-month-old infant swallowed a nail cutter in the Nashikroad area of Nashik on Monday afternoon. The child was rushed to a hospital where the nail cutter was surgically removed and the parents heaved a sigh of relief as the child was doing fine.
Nashik: 8-month-old swallows nail cutter, life saved after cutter removed surgically
Ashish Shinde was playing at his home at around 3 pm when her mother noticed that child was struggling to breathe after which the family rushed him to a medical college in the Adgaon area. In X-ray, it was found that a nail cutter was choked in the oesophagus. After that, in tireless efforts by doctors the nail cutter was surgically removed.
Nashik: 8-month-old swallowed nail cutter, life saved after cutter removed surgically
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According to the information, the child, Ashish Shinde, was playing at his home at around 3 pm when her mother noticed that child was struggling to breathe after which the family rushed to a medical college hospital in the Adgaon area. In X-ray, it was found that a nail cutter was choked in the oesophagus. After that, in tireless efforts by doctors the nail cutter was surgically removed.