New Delhi:The Supreme Court has stayed the Calcutta High court order denying permission to Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and law minister Moloy Ghatak to file an affidavit on the Central Beaurau of Investigation's plea on the transfer of Narada sting operation. The top court has permitted CM Bannerjee and Ghatak to file fresh applications in the Calcutta High court for the acceptance of their counter-affidavits.
The court has directed them to file it by June 28 and has requested the HC to first make a decision on the application and then proceed with the merits of the case. "We are of the opinion that the petitioners ought to have given an application to take their respective counter-affidavits on record especially when the submissions, arguments by the parties were going on and had progressed substantially, "observed the court. The bench comprising of Justice Vineet Saran and Justice Dinesh Maheshwari was hearing petitions filed by both the Bengal ministers challenging the HC order on June 9.
Also read:SC judge recuses from hearing pleas of CM Mamata Banerjee, Law Minister in Narada case
The state and the Ministers pointed out glaring contradiction in acceptance of affidavits submitted by the CBI and state. They argued today that there was no particular time in which they were directed to file an affidavit and the CBI was allowed to file their affidavit without any application. Senior Advocate Vikas Singh appearing for the state said that no time was granted to them and CBI had filed an affidavit on June 2 bringing a completely new fact without any liberty and yet their affidavit was admitted.