Hyderabad: Nagaland Higher Education Minister Temjen Imna Along has become an overnight social media sensation after his recent speeches against racism and rooting for the cause of people from the Northeast. Along, who is also the BJP chief of the state, is trending on Twitter for his unique sense of humour. In a recent video on Twitter, Along said that during his recent visit to Delhi, he was "surprised to see more people at the railway station than the entire population of his state", leaving the netizens in splits.
Nagaland minister wins internet with witty posts
Nagaland Higher Education Minister Temjen Imna Along is trending on Twitter for his humorous posts taking on racism against the people of the northeast.
"People have spread a rumour that Naga people eat humans, and looking at me, people grew even more suspicious," Along said while referring to him being overweight. People have been showering the minister with praise with his videos garnering millions in views. Along took to the microblogging site in a video to express gratitude to the people.
"My gratitude to all the people across the Nation for the love showered upon me, over the past few days. It was unexpected but surprisingly pleasant. Thank you all for your positive response. Jai hind," he said.