Bengaluru/Haveri:Karnataka Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa on Thursday said that he has directed the police to arrest, within 24 hours, the people who killed a BJP local woman leader in broad daylight. Interacting with reporters on the sidelines of a review meeting on the progress of the Bengaluru Suburban railway project (BSRP) here, he said that police already has clues about the murderers and he was sure that culprits will be behind bars within 24 hours.
Echoing Yediyurappa's statement, Revenue Minister R. Ashoka said that the police has definite clues about this murder. "Rekha's husband S. Kadiresh's killers were out on bail just a couple of weeks ago and there are multiple leads available to attest the fact that these accused had played a major role in this murder too," he said. The minister added that BJP Dalit leader Kadiresh was also murdered under similar circumstances in 2018.
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