New Delhi: The Chief Justice of India, NV Ramana, said on Friday that the police system needs reforms to be in tune with the present day to work efficiently as society has gone through dramatic changes since its Independence. The CJI said that there is a need for political will and even the government reports have acknowledged that police need reforms. CJI was speaking at the CBI's DP Kohli Memorial lecture on "Democracy: Role and Responsibilities of Investigative agencies".
He said that CBI had the reputation of being impartial and the judiciary used to be flooded with requests for transferring probes to it but with the passage of time, CBI has come under scrutiny and police officers often complain of harassment when the regime changes. CJI said that there is a need to break the political nexus in the system.
He highlighted issues of infrastructure, means of collecting evidence, lack of public prosecutors, frequent transfers of officers, etc that need to be dealt with reforms. "Police reforms have been on the agenda of the government for more than 50 years and yet nothing has happened," said CJI. He suggested the creation of an umbrella institution, a statute body, for the investigating agencies that must be under legislative oversight and headed by a person like the CBI director.