Chandigarh: Indian Administrative Services (IAS) officer Sanjay Popli, who has been arrested on corruption charges, on Saturday alleged that the Vigilance Department has murdered his son and he is an eyewitness to the incident. "I am an eye-witness, they (police officials) are taking son was shot by them," said Popli.
The IAS officer's son died of gunshot injuries on Saturday. While the police said Kartik Popli, died by suicide, his family, however, has claimed he was murdered. "They tortured my child and killed him. They tortured my domestic help for evidence. The entire vigilance bureau and the DSP are under the pressure from the chief minister. This is the way they are killing people," the mother of Kartik Popli said.
The incident comes days after the Punjab Vigilance Bureau arrested IAS officer Popli and his accomplice on corruption charges. Anu Preet Kular, a relative of Sanjay Popli alleged that the "Vigilance people murdered him". "Vigilance team asked Sanjay Popli to sign on something otherwise it won't be good for his son. They locked him in a room and took his son upstairs. We were standing downstairs and after some time we heard the sound of gunshots. The Vigilance people murdered him."