Mumbai:The 21-year-old Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu is an Indian model from Chandigarh, who was crowned Miss Universe 2021 in Israel. She is the third Indian woman to hold this title. The former includes Lara Dutta Bhupathi, who won it in 2000 and Sushmita Sen in 1994.
On being asked how she felt when she was announced Miss Universe 2021, she said, "It was a beautiful moment as it was not my name but my country's name announced as winner. I felt proud whenever they referred me by my country's name. All my emotions poured out when they announced India as Miss Universe 2021."
Miss Universe shared her preparation journey, "We just had 30 days for the preparations. We had sessions for communication, ramp walk, hair and makeup, diet and gym training along with sessions of fittings and shoots. It was all worth it with the support of my family and the organization."
Harnaaz Sandhu speaks about her days in Chandigarh, "I completed my education from Chandigarh. The best thing about the city is that different communities live together. I am excited to visit the city"