Bengaluru:The Railway authorities at the Bengaluru Railway Station said on Thursday that the retiring room for porters, which had allegedly been converted into a prayer room for Muslims, has been restored to its previous state.
The issue had snowballed into a controversy after a viral video in social media claimed there was a 'mosque' inside the Krantiveera Sangolli Rayanna Bengaluru railway station. "The porters unilaterally decided to restore the porter retiring room into its previous form as they did not want to give any communal twist to the entire episode," a senior Railway official of the South Western Railway said. The video purportedly showed the prayer hall painted in green and Muslims offering prayer there.
A Hindu right-wing organization staged a demonstration at the railway station on Monday demanding restoration of the porter retiring room into its previous form.
They also questioned how the room was allowed to be converted into a 'Mosque' and warned the officials that they will raise the matter with the Railway Ministry authorities.
Following the demonstration, the entire room was brought back to its previous form and the porters started taking rest there as done earlier. The SWR official said the porters themselves agreed not to disrupt peace and cordiality amongst themselves. "The prayer hall was an internal arrangement of the porters and no one had any issue. Now again for the sake of peace and harmony, they unilaterally restored the retiring room. We didn't have any role in its restoration," the official claimed.