Hyderabad: The Bellampally Municipal Commissioner, who issued a show-cause notice to some of his staff for allegedly skipping Minister KT Rama Rao's birthday celebrations held in Bellampally town on July 24, has been suspended for his action. An order issued on Friday night said Bellampally Municipality Commissioner G Gangadhar has issued memos due to overenthusiasm and without any orders from higher authorities for not attending the Minister's birthday celebrations.
"Therefore, after careful examination of the facts and having due regard to the circumstances of the case, it is found necessary to place the services of G Gangadhar, Municipal Commissioner, Bellampally Municipality under suspension pending further inquiry in the matter," N Satyanarayana, Director of Municipal Administration, said in the order.
Minister for Municipal Administration and Urban Development Rama Rao, in a tweet on Friday, said he would not encourage such practices and asked the senior officials to suspend the Bellampally Municipal Commissioner for issuing notices to the employees. He further said that he will be the last in line to encourage such things. Minister KTR responded to the Bellampally Municipal Commissioner issue on Twitter.