New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Monday filed a supplementary charge sheet against nine people, including four Afghan nationals, in a case related to the seizure of nearly 3,000 kg of heroin at the Mundra port in Gujarat in September last year.
The charge sheet was filed in a special NIA court in Ahmedabad against the accused, who are members of an international network involved in the smuggling of heroin from Afghanistan to India for further distribution in Punjab, Delhi, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, and other states, a spokesperson of the federal agency said.
The nine accused were identified as Afghan nationals Jannat Gul Kaker, Mujahid Shinwari, Shami Ullah, and Mohammad Lal Kaker; Sarabjit Singh alias “Setthi”, Balwinder Singh and Jasvir Singh of Punjab; and Imtiaz Ahmad and Imran Ahmad of Uttar Pradesh.