Ahmedabad: A Special Court of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Tuesday rejected the regular bail plea of a woman arrested in the Mundra port heroin case in Gujarat. The woman, G Durga Purna Vaishali and her husband, M Sudhakar were arrested by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) in September this year from Mundra port in Gujarat's Kutch district.
Both the accused were arrested under the allegations of being involved in the import of 2988.2 kg of heroin. The court of Special Judge Shubhada Bakshi found prima facie that the woman, who is also the co-owner of Chennai-based Aashi Trading Company, was involved in the case.
The court said that Vaishali was found to be involved in the import of heroin worth around Rs 21,000 crore and therefore granting bail would hamper the process of further investigation in the case.