Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh):Rae Bareli police on Thursday recovered some videos from the cell phone of poet Munnazwar Rana's son, Tabrez Rana. In the videos, Tabrez can be seen firing shots from his pistol while imitating some Bollywood songs. The video has reportedly been shot at Rana's farmhouse in Rae Bareli when he was hatching a conspiracy to implicate his uncles in a false attack case.
Tabrez Rana, who is embroiled in an ancestral property dispute with his uncle, was arrested by the Rae Bareli police from Lalkuan locality in Lucknow, late on Wednesday night.
Munawwar Rana's son firing gun shots in air locked in video On June 28, Rana had staged the attack on himself to implicate his uncles and after the attack, he had lodged a complaint with the Rae Bareli police alleging that he was attacked by two bike-borne men at a petrol pump in the Hindola Ratapur area on June 28.
READ:Police raid Urdu poet Munawwar Rana's residence
After the attack, Munawwar Rana had said that his own family members had enmity with them over the land dispute and those same people would have got the attack done. The CCTV footage, however, revealed the conspiracy of Tabrez.
When a Special Operations Group of the Uttar Pradesh police probing the case, scanned the CCTV footage of the area, several discrepancies were found in Rana's claims. Tabrez was found alone in a vehicle at the time of the incident though he had claimed that there was another person with him. Rae Bareli SP Shlok Kumar had said that Tabrez Rana, along with his two accomplices Haleem and Sultan Ali, faked the attack on himself. The bike and pistol used in the incident have been recovered from them.