Mumbai: Amid the loudspeaker row in the state, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) leader Raj Thackeray declared that the 'Maha Aarti' to be conducted tomorrow shall be cancelled, so that 'there is no disturbance in the Muslim festival of Eid'. Thackeray took to Twitter to make the announcement, wherein he addressed the 'soldiers of Maharashtra in his caption and urged them to not conduct any aartis tomorrow, when the Hindus shall also be celebrating the festival of Akshay Trutiya.
'India will celebrate Eid tomorrow. I spoke about it yesterday at Sambhaji Nagar (in Mumbai). This Muslim festival should be celebrated without any disturbances. I request everyone to not conduct any aartis tomorrow, on the eve of Hindu festival Akshay Trutiya. We should not create disturbances in other communities' festivals. The loudspeaker issue is not a religious issue, it's a social issue and I will clarify what is to be done about it tomorrow through my Twitter handle,' the picture posted in his tweet reads.
Also read:Amid Azaan row, MNS announces 'Maha Aarti' through loudspeakers on May 3