Mumbai: In a miraculous reunion after nine years of being missing from her home, a 16-year-old girl from Mumbai returned to her family -- courtesy a woman domestic help and her vigilance. The girl, identified as Pooja Gaud, had gone missing from her home on January 22 in 2013, following a vigorous but vile search operation launched by the local police officials.
The girl was kidnapped by a couple that lived in the vicinity of her original house when she was seven years old. "The (kidnapping) incident had occurred when Pooja was on her way to school with her elder brother, who was then studying in Class 4. He was walking ahead of her. But after some time, when he turned back, he did not find her," a police official informed.
Pooja's brother soon narrated the incident to his parents, after which the family approached the D N Nagar police station. A missing person's report was registered in the matter along with search operations with her photographs and posters circulated all over the area.
Assistant Sub-Inspector Rajesh Bhosale had taken the matter to heart. The 65-year-old always carried a photograph of the girl in his pocket, in hopes of getting some clue about her whereabouts. When the search did not bear any results, the probing officials as well as Pooja's family had lost all hopes.
But nine years down the line, a woman who works as a house help in the Juhu area of Mumbai, met a young girl who had also recently started working as house help in the same area. 35-year-old Pramila Devendra soon became friends with this young girl. The girl narrated her ordeals about being harassed by her family at home. Eventually, she also told Pramila that her parents are not her real parents. Pramila took matters into her own hands and decided to do something for young Pooja.
"During their conversation, Pooja once told her that she was being harassed by her family members, who were not her original parents. She told her that she had been kidnapped. Pramila then searched on the internet whether any news report about her missing case had appeared anywhere. During the search, she came across the stories and articles about Pooja, following which she informed the D N Nagar police station about her case," the police official said.