Mumbai: Hours after the sensational arrest of the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) witness Kiran Gosavi on Thursday, he has asked the officials to release the call and chat detail records of Prabhakar Sail, sources say. According to Faraskhana Police, he has been formally arrested and will be produced before Pune court today.
Prabhakar Sail — another witness in the drugs case — had alleged that he had overheard Gosavi telling one Sam D'Souza over the phone on the day Aryan Khan was brought to the NCB office on October 2 raid following the cruise ship raid, had demanded Rs 25 crore and "to settle at Rs 18 crore as they have to give Rs 8 crore to Sameer Wankhede".
However, Gosavi had rubbished the extortion claims made by Sail and said that he would surrender before the Lucknow police.
Gosavi hogged the limelight after he was seen accosting Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan at the NCB office in a selfie that went viral. He is an "independent witness" as per the NCB which is probing the drugs case in which nearly 20 people were arrested.