Ujjain:A woman from Vrindavan in Uttar Pradesh levelled serious allegations against Mahant Dr. Rameshwardas and claimed that he attempted to rape her in the ashram. She made these charges in her complaint filed at Neelganga police station on Tuesday. The woman was residing in the ashram of Mandleshwar Gyandas in Piplinaka of the city for the past eight months. However, Mahant rubbishes these allegations as baseless.
Interacting with media persons she said, "I was introduced to Mahant Rameshwardas through the Gyandas ashram and started visiting ashram after being told that he was a good saint. He seduced me on the pretext of teaching 'Tantra Mantra' and asked me to visit him on daily basis. After which he started doing ugly things to me. When I refused and said will inform everyone, he started threatening me. He threatened me that if I uttered even a word about it to anyone he would make someone shoot me and throw my body into Shipra River."