Shivpuri(MP): A video of ADM of Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh has fiercely gone viral on social media where, the Additional Collector and Deputy District Election Officer, Umesh Prakash Shukla said "democracy is the biggest mistake of the country." This video is being told to be recorded on Tuesday, a day before the election. However, ETV Bharat does not confirm the veracity of this viral video.
MP: "Democracy is the biggest mistake of the country, corrupt leaders born by casting votes", said Shivpuri Additional Collector (ADM) Where Shivpuri Collector Akshay Kumar Singh is busy trying to get maximum voting done, on other hand, colleague Shukla opposed the idea of casting vote. In the video, Shukla tried to pacify the people who came to complain about the lapses in the voting process and said that only corrupt leaders are introduced by casting votes.
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On Monday, the government employees engaged in duty were given the right to vote through Electoral Duty Ballots (EDV) where the lack of ballot papers in the Tehsil office, many employees were deprived of voting. Making a complaint about it, a candidate and some employees talked to Shukla.
In the viral video, Shukla said, "What is the harm done to you by not adding your name to the voter list? What have you done by voting till today? How many corrupt leaders have you produced? I consider voting and democracy to be the biggest mistake of the country."