Katni (Madhya Pradesh): A rape accused was arrested on Friday just moments before his wedding procession was about to start. The incident took place in the Katni town of Madhya Pradesh. According to police, a rape case was lodged against the groom Anuj Dubey at Lordganj police station in Jabalpur. Police sources said that he is accused of raping a girl after marrying her at a temple but then refused to "marry her officially"
MP: Rape accused arrested moments before his wedding procession
ASP Sanjay Aggarwal said that the girl came to know that Anuj is going to get married on Friday and went to Lordganj police station where she told officials that Anuj's wedding procession is about to leave. Police swung into action and arrested Anuj from Katni moments before his wedding procession was about to leave.
Jabalpur Lordganj police station in-charge Praful Srivastava said that a few months ago a 24-year-old girl had lodged a complaint against Anuj, who came to work in Jabalpur, befriended her on Facebook. "After some time, both of them fell in love and one day Anuj took the girl to the temple and married her. After this, the accused took her to a hotel where he raped her. Anuj assured the girl that he would soon talk about their relationship with his parents and marry her officially, but later the accused stopped talking to the girl and refused to marry her officially," he added.
ASP Sanjay Aggarwal said that the girl came to know that Anuj is going to get married on Friday and went to Lordganj police station where she told officials that Anuj's wedding procession is about to leave. Police swung into action and arrested Anuj from Katni moments before his wedding procession was about to leave. Coming to know about the incident, the father of the bride canceled the marriage and said that he was happy that his daughter did not get married to a rapist.