Harda (MP): Sarpanch Lakhan Lal Bhilala from the Handia Gram Panchayat of the district has been accused of appointing a representative to his elected position by writing a stamp paper of 50 rupees, citing his own illiteracy as the reason. Bhilala said he is illiterate and his family members are also unlettered, so he felt the need to appoint a representative (pratinidhi) to guide him through all the paperwork required to fulfil his duties as the head of the Panchayat even though it is against the Panchayati Raj Act.
"I have appointed Siddhant Tiwari as my representative to keep a track of details of income and expenditure by conducting and executing all the works to be done. I trust Siddhant like my own family," the Sarpanch said in his defence.