Barwani (Madhya Pradesh): Four persons drowned in Narmada river while taking bath on Wednesday in Barwani district of Madhya Pradesh. The deceased was in the age bracket of 30 to 40 years and they were associated with Tablighi Jamaat. Members of the Tabligihi Jamaat had come to Mirzapur situated in the neighbouring Dhar district, to attend a meeting. Later, they went to the river banks for sightseeing.
Official sources said, at least 11 persons were taking bath in the river. They came to Mirzapur of the neighbouring Dhar district to attend the Jamaat's meeting. While taking bath, one person has swept away by strong river currents. On hearing his screams, three others attempted to rescue him, leading to the drowning of all four.
At least 11 Muslim youths had come to the banks of the Narmada river for sightseeing. The tragedy took place in the Lohara area falling under the Anjad police station limits of the district. At least 11 participants who had come to attend the meeting crossed the Narmada river on a boat. They came to the other flank of the river to take bath.