Shajapur: Authorities at the Kotwali police station in Madhya Pradesh's Shajapur had to call for additional police force from the nearby police station after a man, father of three children, created a ruckus and threatened to commit suicide after being separated from his 18-year-old paramour. The mad lover Pushpendra Rajput, a resident of village Jaihera in Shajapur district created a ruckus for two hours at the Kotwali police station, which became difficult for more than 12 policemen to handle.
The authorities had to call for additional force from the Lalghati police station to tackle the man. Rajput threatened to commit suicide by breaking his head in the police station while demanding that the girl be produced before him. In this high voltage drama that lasted for two hours, the man also abused the cops, who pacified him by showing patience. Later, the police registered a case against the man under Section 151.