Gwalior:The High Court on Tuesday issued notices in the matter challenging the MP candidature of Jyotiraditya Scindia in the Rajya Sabha elections along with two other MPs and a former MLA. The orders were in response to a petition filed by former minister and senior Congress leader Govind Singh challenging Scindia's background, citing his agreement with the "faulty" nomination papers filed by him in the past.
Digvijay Singh, Rajya Sabha MP Sumer Singh Solanki and former MLA Phool Singh Baraiya are the other three people who received notices from the High Court in the matter. Congress leader Govind Singh has alleged in the petition that Jyotiraditya Scindia had hidden some facts in the nomination papers filed during the Rajya Sabha elections. Making this the basis of his objection, he filed the petition challenging his candidature.