Ratlam: The guard compartment of the Indore-Udaipur train derailed at platform number 2 in Madhya Pradesh's Ratlam, however, no casualties were reported in the incident. Railways has ordered an inquiry into the incident. The Indore-Udaipur train (No. 19329) left Indore at 5.40 pm on Friday and reached Ratlam's platform number two at 9.30 pm.
As the train approached the station, it continued to roll on for about 500 meters and a guard coach of the train derailed causing panic among the passengers. Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) Vineet Gupta who was heading to Delhi, got down at Garoth railway station on hearing about the incident and boarded the Garib Rath train, and reached the site along with other senior officers of the Railway Division.