Bhopal: The Madhya Pradesh government has renamed historic Islam Nagar in state capital Bhopal to Jagdishpur, which was the area's earlier name, an official said on Thursday. The gazette notification announcing the name change was issued on Wednesday after nod was obtained from the Union government, the move attracting the ire of the opposition Congress which claimed such acts were being done by the state Bharatiya Janata Party government to divert people's attention from corruption and lack of development.
Islam Nagar was the capital of the Bhopal princely state established by Afghan-Mughal ruler Dost Mohhamad Khan. Last year, the Shivraj Singh Chouhan government had renamed Habibganj railway station as Rani Kamlapati railway station after the legendary Gond queen, while Hoshangabad district was renamed as Narmadapuram.