Bhopal:The Economic Offences Wing (EOW) has raided Sahara India's headquarters in Bhopal on Monday. The team had come from Jabalpur. Earlier, 12 investors had deposited Rs 19.68 lakh in Sahara's branch in Gorakhpur, Jabalpur. These people are not being given money even after their maturity period is over. In this case, the EOW has also accused the local branch management, agent and Sahara chief Subrata Roy under various sections of fraud and treason. To seize the documents in this regard, the EOW team raided the Bhopal headquarters of the company.
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Subrata Roy's name also included in the FIR
This raid on the office of Sahara Finance Company was conducted to verify the documents of the investors. In the same month, the team of EOW, Jabalpur took action against this finance company. During that investigation, it was revealed that the documents of the investors were sent to the Bhopal office.