Bhopal: The Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) in Madhya Pradesh has stripped its Ujjain district unit president and six other office-bearers for allegedly creating ruckus at the Mahakaleshwar temple during the organisation chief Tejasvi Surya's visit there. On Thursday, police had registered a first information report (FIR) against two persons in connection with the ruckus, which took place on Wednesday when Surya visited the famous temple in Ujjain, which is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is one of the 12 'jyotirlingas' in the country.
BJYM's state unit chief Vaibhav Pawar issued a list of 18 party workers and leaders allegedly involved in the incident, which he said "damaged the dignity of the temple". The list includes Amay Sharma, BJYM's district (urban) president, Narendra Singh Jalwa, its district (rural) president. Both of them were removed from their posts. Besides them, the working committee members Devendra Baghela, Saurav Gaushar, Lakki Gurjar and Shubham Dabbewala were also removed from their posts.
BJYM's Nagda town president Bhawani Devda was also removed from his post in connection with the ruckus at Mahakaleshwar temple.