Sidhi: Inspired partly by the Bollywood film 'Manjhi: The Mountain Man and Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, a man in the Sidhi district of Madhya Pradesh has been digging a well at the top of a mountain for the last three years for his unwell wife who has to fetch water 2 km away from their house. Forty-year-old Hari Singh from the village panchayat of Sihawal, 45 km from the Sidhi district headquarters, said that his wife Siyavati is not keeping well and has to walk for a distance to fetch water which he could not bear.
Hari said he is digging the well for the last three years adding traces of water that have appeared lately. He said that he had taken up the scarcity of water in the village with the panchayat representative, who cited the forest ownership of the land. Mohd Islam Ansari, the panchayat representative indeed cited the forest ownership of the land.