Thane (Maharashtra): A 15-year-old girl who was forced into marriage with a 25-year-old Gujarat resident, escaped from her in-laws’ house in Gujarat 10 days after the wedding. She reached Hill Line Police station in Ulhasnagar to register a complaint on July 7. The girl said that her family had forged her documents to hide her real age and forced her to marry the person whom they believed was the best match for her.
The minor wanted to pursue her education and become a teacher. But she claimed that her mother asked her to stop studying after Class 7 as the family could not afford it. Her father is an auto driver. She has an 18-year-old brother. Both of them tried to stop her mother but she did not listen.
The Ulhasnagar police have booked her mother, maternal uncle, and a woman who acted as the matchmaker. The matchmaker, with the help of the girl’s uncle, forged her Aadhaar card and School Leaving Certificate to change her age to 18 years.