Lucknow:A woman allegedly tortured her stepdaughter by pouring boiled oil on her private parts and throwing boiled tea at her on Wednesday. The incident took place in Lucknow's Shantinagar area under the jurisdiction of Thakurganj police station. Ajay Rathod, who adopted the six-year-old and named her Khushi on February 7, 2022, informed the police and lodged a complaint that led to the arrest of the accused stepmother.
Lucknow: Woman arrested for torturing 6-year-old stepdaughter
The incident took place in Lucknow's Shantinagar area under the jurisdiction of Thakurganj police station.
Police arrests woman; poured boiled oil on her step-daughter's private parts
Also read: CBI now part of Interpol's anti-child abuse database
According to Thakurganj police station in-charge Harish Chandra, "Ajay Rathod had lodged a complaint where he accused his wife of pouring oil into their adopted daughter's private parts. The medical examination of the victim girl has been done. At the same time, the accused woman has been arrested."