Rudrapur: Rudrapur Police on Thursday arrested five women including the mother of the victim who has been sold for money a couple of times in the last two years. The woman along with her sister and other female friends indulged the victim in a sex racket and also made her marry three times, said police.
Twenty days ago, the victim's mother filed a complaint against her sister Mindro Kaur and alleged that "My sister Mindro asked me to send my daughter to her friend Rashmi's house for work and assured that Rashmi will pay my daughter, over which I sent my minor daughter to Rashmi's place in Rudrapur. But after 20 days, when I enquired about my daughter, I got know that she is been sold by my sister for Rs 80,000."
Taking the matter seriously, police launched an investigation into the matter and found that the minor's mother herself was involved in the racket, and for the last one and half years she is using her daughter for money.