Dumka: A mother-daughter duo has gone missing in Jharkhand's Dumka four days ago with the former's son alleging foul play by an exorcist in the incident. Sachin Kumar Gupta, a resident of the Dudhani area of the City Police Station in the district said that his mother Sanju Devi, and 19-year-old sister Kashish Priya were last seen on Sunday morning on August 21.
Sachin accused an exorcist namely Ojha Mukhtar Hussain of foul play in the matter. "Ojha used to visit our house during a family discord and used to pacify them. On the day when my mother and sister went missing, I called Ojha on his number but he spoke to me in vague language and later switched off his phone," said Sachin. The phone of my sister is also switched off since she went missing along with my mother, added Sachin.