Lucknow: The Allahabad High Court Tuesday directed the respondents to file their responses within three weeks in connection with the demolition of a mosque at Barabanki on May 17. The Lucknow bench of the HC also issued a notice to the then Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) of Ram Sanehi Ghat in Barabanki for his reply as malice was alleged against him. It also granted a week to the petitioner for filing a rejoinder affidavit, fixing July 27 as the next date of hearing.
A division bench of Justice Rajan Roy and Justice Saurabh Lavania passed the order on two writ petitions filed by UP Sunni Central Waqf Board and Hashmat Ali and others. The bench had heard the matter on June 15 and reserved its order on the question of interim relief.
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The bench recorded in its order that the senior advocate appearing for UP Sunni Central Waqf Board was unable, as of now, to show any documentary proof about the ownership right of the committee of management on the land where the mosque was constructed.