New Delhi:More than 5 crore Tiranga selfies have been uploaded on the Har Ghar Tiranga website, the government said on Monday evening. The Har Ghar Tiranga initiative of the Government is driven by the Ministry of Culture, the nodal Ministry for Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav to mark the 76th year of Independence wrapping up the 75-week countdown to 15th August 2022.
The initiative dedicated to fostering deeper personal connect with the Tiranga requested Indians everywhere to display the flag at home or their place of work as a commitment to the cause of nation building during Amrit Kaal (25 years from now to 2047). The programme conceived in a hybrid format envisaged a physical and emotional connect with the flag itself in the personal context and also envisaged a collective celebration and amplification of patriotic fervour through the act of uploading a selfie on the special website (harghartirangadotcom).
Earlier in the morning in his Independence Day speech the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi had remarked that in the last few days, the country saw experienced a new force that was the renaissance of collective conscience and the revival of this collective conscience is the biggest treasure of the country and is like nectar that emerged through the years of the struggle for freedom. The Prime Minister had given a call on July 22, 2022 to join the Har Ghar Tiranga' movement by hoisting or displaying the national flag at homes.