New Delhi:The Congress on Thursday claimed that the mood of the nation was against the BJP and decided to get into the 2024 Lok Sabha poll mode immediately. Ahead of the polls, former Congress chief Rahul Gandhi will launch his Bharat Jodo Yatra part two around the middle of January from the northeast and will culminate it around the middle of March in Gujarat.
“The mood of the country is against the BJP. There is no level playing field in the country and inside the Parliament. The BJP suspended 146 MPs to show that only the saffron party is fit to rule the country. But the fact is that the government is dictatorial and does not want to have any opposition inside the Parliament,” AICC general secretary in charge of organization KC Venugopal said.
“We have decided to get into poll mode without any delay. Parliamentary candidates will be announced soon. The screening and manifesto committees for the Lok Sabha polls will be announced in December. Party chief Mallikarjun Kharge has reviewed Lok Sabha poll preparation in around 23 states. The review in the remaining states will be completed in December. The CWC members have been asked to start preparing for the parliamentary elections in their respective states,” he said.
The party leader’s remarks came after the Congress Working Committee discussed the 2024 national polls roadmap for around three hours. Venugopal said that as there was a huge demand from the party workers for a second Bharat Jodo Yatra led by Rahul Gandhi, the CWC members urged him to take a decision which will be announced soon. Unlike the Bharat Jodo Yatra part one last year, the second part of the yatra would be in a hybrid mode which would involve the use of cars and foot march.