New Delhi:Both Houseswere adjourned till tomorrow amid ruckus created by Opposition. Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) MP Manoj Kumar Jha raised a point of order and said that as per Rule 258, Prime Minister and Leader of Opposition are not to be disrupted while proceedings are ongoing.
He said that while the Opposition leader was speaking, the mike was switched off and a Minister interrupted his speech. Ministers should reach out to Parliament members to resolve issues. The Parliament is meant to reflect the fears and anxieties of people, added Jha.
In response to Jha's remarks, Piyush Goyal, Minister and BJP MP said he reached out to Opposition members individually. But they refused to come. "I am publicly inviting them for a cup of tea at 6 pm to have a conversation on the issues, to develop a formula, consensus," said Goyal.
The resumption of Rajya Sabha at 4 pm witnessed sloganeering by Opposition parties. Before that some MPs ventured into the Well of the House, holding placards with slogan 'Big Brother is Watching' in front of the Chair. Mallikarjun Kharge, Leader of Opposition raised the demand for business suspension, quoting Rule 267, but it was denied by the Chair, Samsit Patra.
Union Minister of Finance Nirmala Sitharaman laid a paper on the table while the Opposition continued sloganeering.
The Upper House resumed on the fifth day and MPs paid tribute to the departed soldiers of the Kargil war, marking Kargil Vijay Diwas. The MPs also lauded Mirabai Chanu for victory in Tokyo Olympics, bagging silver medal. After the resumption of House proceedings, opposition parties stormed and demanded a discussion on Pegasus snooping row.