Agra (Uttar Pradesh):The monkey menace on the Taj Mahal campus has been going on unabated. On Monday morning, a woman tourist from Spain was attacked by a monkey near Mehmankhana of the Taj Mahal Complex. Scared by the monkey attack, the foreign tourist scurried for safety and sustained injuries in her ankle and lower portion of her leg. Photographer Yogesh Paras who was present there provided first-aid to the injured tourist.
Monkey attacks Spanish woman tourist at Taj Mahal Read:ASI to launch online ticketing app for monuments in Agra
Paras said that when he was standing near the Royal Gate of the Taj Mahal, he saw that a woman tourist was crying and unable to walk properly. "When I rushed towards her, I saw blood oozing out of her ankle and toe. She was speaking in Spanish, which I failed to understand. Then I took help from a colleague who knows Spanish."
"Then I arranged a first-aid kit and bandaged her wounds," said Paras. An Archaeological Survey of India employee alleged that the woman tourist went close to the monkey to click some photos. She was then attacked by the primate. However, the tourist denied the allegation.