New Delhi:The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has attached 28 immovable properties and other assets worth Rs 80.65 crore belonging to TRS MP Nama Nageshwar Rao and his family members in an ongoing money laundering case against Ranchi Expressway Ltd, Madhucon Projects Limited and its director and promoters, the agency said on Monday.
The ED has also attached the registered office of the Madhucon group of companies and residential property at Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. The properties were attached under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2022. Nama Nageshwar Rao is a promoter and director of the Madhucon group of companies and a personal guarantor to the Bank loan defaulted by the company.
ED has identified and attached immovable assets of Rs 67.08 crore at Hyderabad, Khammam and at Prakasham district and movable assets of Rs 13.57 crore including shareholding of Nama Nageshwar Rao and his family members in Madhucon Projects Ltd, Madhucon Granites Limited and in other Madhucon group of companies, totalling to Rs 80.65 crore.
Earlier in July this year, ED had also provisionally attached 105 immovable properties and other assets worth Rs 73.74 crore belonging to Madhucon Group of companies and its directors and promoters, which included the properties of Madhucon Projects Limited and group companies, Nama Nageshwar Rao and other promoter and director of the company after conducting multiple searches and recording multiple statements of promoters, subcontractors, bankers, engineers and forensic auditors.