Kolkata: Amid reports of infighting in the saffron party in West Bengal, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat, who is currently in the state, met BJP’s national vice-president, Dilip Ghosh and Union minister, Dr Subhash Sarkar at Kesav Bhavan on Monday evening. However, the BJP state president in West Bengal, Sukanta Majumdar did not get a call for the meeting.
This meeting has triggered speculations within the Bengal unit of BJP whether the state BJP will go through another round of reshuffling to bring an end to the growing infighting in the party. Sources said that both Ghosh and Sarkar are extremely close confidants of RSS. Ghosh himself had operated as an RSS pracharakfor a long time. Ghosh himself had operated as an RSS pracharak for a long time.
The infighting has been brewing since the time Dilip Ghosh was replaced by Sukanta Majumdar as the state president of the party. Soon after the new state president reshuffled the state committee, the internal rebellion fuelled further and became public. The RSS leadership has taken a strong note of such developments and has already sought a detailed report on this count.