Hyderabad: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday called up Telangana BJP president Bandi Sanjay Kumar over the phone and congratulated him on the success of his second phase of BJP's 'padayatra' in the State. Sanjay Kumar launched the second phase of the 'Praja Sangrama Yatra' on April 14 from the temple town of Alampur and it culminated at Tukkuguda on the outskirts of the city on Saturday, where Union Home Minister Amit Shah addressed a public meeting.
The Prime Minister enquired Sanjay Kumar about the people's reaction during the 'padayatra' to which he told him that the people of Telangana were angry over Chief Minister KCR's rule. The TRS government has not been implementing various Central schemes thereby depriving the people of the benefits, Sanjay Kumar told Modi, according to a release from Telangana BJP.