Dahod (Gujarat): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday announced that an electric locomotive manufacturing plant with an investment of Rs 20,000 crore would be set up in the tribal-dominated Dahod district of Gujarat. Addressing a large gathering of tribals on the outskirts of Dahod town, he also rued that tribal freedom fighters like Birsa Munda and Govind Guru did not get the recognition they deserved post Independence. A steam locomotive workshop was established here before Independence. Now it (the area) will give a push to the Make in India initiative as railways will set up a Rs 20,000 crore electric locomotive manufacturing facility here, Modi said.
Dahod is one of the 100 cities which are part of the Smart Cities Mission of the Union government. Recalling the time before he entered active politics, the prime minister said he spent significant amount of time in Dahod and witnessed how the entire railway workshop region, called as Parel, became completely "lifeless" over a period of time. "After becoming PM, I had a dream of pumping new life into this region and revive it to its full glory one day. Today, my dream is being fulfilled. This factory, coming up with a huge investment of Rs 20,000 crore, will provide employment to thousands of local youths of this tribal region," he said.
Notably, Assembly elections are due in Gujarat, the prime minister's home state, later this year. Indian-made electric locomotives are in demand in foreign countries too, and India is one of the very few countries which has manufactured the 9,000-horsepower locomotives which are very powerful, the prime minister further said. Dahod will play a major role in fulfilling the demand of electric locomotives the world over. Youths of this region would feel proud when they see Made in India locomotives during foreign visits," Modi said. He inaugurated or performed ground-breaking ceremony for projects worth over Rs 22,000 crore for Dahod and adjoining Panchmahal district on Wednesday.
Also read:'Wellness ultimate goal': PM Modi inaugurates WHO-Global Centre for Traditional Medicine in Gujarat