Mumbai: Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) on Friday vandalised e-commerce giant Amazon's warehouse in Pune and Mumbai and shouted slogans 'No Marathi No Amazon'. The violent attack comes after a day when a local court in Mumbai issued a notice to MNS chief Raj Thackeray over Amazon's plea that their posters were torn by his party workers.
The party has raised objections over Amazon not including Marathi in their application and started a campaign against it. With Amazon expressing its inability to include the language, the two parties have now been engaged in an intensified tussle.
The outfit has been raising their demand of Marathi language inclusion for many days. According to reports, the multinational company considered the outfit's demand initially but now has turned a deaf ear to it. The pro Marathi party reminded the company frequently about its demand, but Amazon did not take any cognizance of it.