Maharashtra: MLA Ravi Rana and MP Navneet Kaur Rana have been granted bail by the Mumbai Sessions Court on Wednesday. It is known that the Amravati MP and her MLA husband were arrested by Mumbai Police in April over the issue of reciting the Hanuman Chalisa outside Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray's residence 'Matoshree' in Bandra. Navneet was lodged in Byculla women's prison and Ravi in Taloja jail. Earlier in the day, Navneet Kaur Rana was admitted to the JJ Hospital in Mumbai from Byculla jail for back pain treatment.
On Wednesday, special judge RN Rokade allowed their bail plea. The court said the applicants shall not commit a similar offence while on bail, and not address the press on any subject related to the case. The couple had in their bail plea, filed through advocates Rizwan Merchant and Abad Ponda, claimed that the call to recite the Hanuman Chalisa outside 'Matoshree', the CM's private residence, cannot be said to be an act to promote feelings of enmity or hatred and the charge under IPC section 153(A) cannot be sustained.
Read:Mumbai civic body issues notice to Rana couple for 'illegal construction' at their residence