New Delhi: Already Janata Dal (United) MLA Gopal Mandal has issued a clarification on his objectionable picture in a premium train that has gone viral. The MLA said that he was suffering from stomach upset and was very ill. So he went to the toilet in undergarments. He added that his sickness and stomach problem was the reason behind his act which is drawing flak.
The JD(U) MLA has also expressed his regrets over the objectionable picture that has gone viral. He added that he apologised to Prahlad Paswan, who filed an FIR against him with the Government Railway Police (GRP) in New Delhi. The Bihar MLA also claimed that Prahlad Paswan was drunk and there was no female passenger in the bogie.
Prahlad Paswan, a fellow traveller in the same coach of Patna-New Delhi Tejas Rajdhani Express, has also alleged that MLA was drinking alcohol during the incident. He asked him to at least wrap a towel as women passengers were present in the coach. However, MLA Gopal Mandal and his associates abused and assaulted him. They also snatched a gold chain and rings.
Also Read:Bihar JDU MLA roams wearing undergarments in Rajdhani Express