Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday requesting him to drop proposed amendments to IAS (Cadre) Rules, 1954, and "instead engage with State governments to further strengthen the federal spirit of the nation." The letter added that forcing the State Governments to depute officers would surely aggravate the governance deficit in various States due to a shortage of officers.
Earlier, the Centre has proposed an amendment to the IAS (Cadre) Rules, 1954, which would enable it to post IAS officers on central deputation, bypassing reservations of state governments. "State Governments are on the forefront of the implementation of various programs including the schemes of the Union Government at State level. The States also face frequent natural disasters which demand services of IAS officers in the State more than elsewhere," the letter stated.
"Given this situation. forcing the State Governments to depute officers would surely aggravate the governance deficit in various States due to shortage of officers and also it is an affront to the administrative framework of the States," the letter further stated. In the letter, Stalin stated, "The proposed amendments would cause irreparable damage to the spirit of cooperative federalism that exists between Union and the States and result in the concentration of powers with the Union Government."